Hold out your right or left hand- as a Michigander, you can point to any spot in this great state, just like that! That’s not the only cool thing about Michigan, the best part of it is you are always 85 miles or less from one of its Great Lakes, no matter where you live! That means there is no excuse to not explore Michigan and its beautiful scenery it has to offer us. With PSCU, we offer a wide range of loans. We want to offer you the opportunity to explore and travel more with low rates and more advantages this summer. With our RV and Boat loan promotion, you can get a loan rate as low as 3.74%APR*. Some restrictions apply. Let PSCU take you on the ultimate adventure this summer!
*APR= Annual Percentage Rate. For qualified applicants, must meet lending guidelines to qualify. Offer only valid until March 31st, 2020. Model years 2018 or newer. One coupon per member, offer subject to change without notice. Lowest rate available includes a special 1% off discount for qualified applicants.
(Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes)